Join Garrett Leitermann, BLM archaeologist, for an interpretative hike at the Picacho Peak Recreation Area in the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument! Visitors will learn about the prehistory of the Las Cruces area, walk the Butterfield Overland National Historic Trail, explore Box Canyon Dam and the history of the Civilian Conservation Corp, and also learn the importance of Leave No Trace at archaeological sites.
This is an easy 3-miles hike that will begin at the Picacho Peak Recreation Area parking lot and travel towards Box Canyon Dam to the northwest. The hike will loop back toward the parking lot and will have an option to hike up Picacho Peak itself. Road access to the Recreation Area parking area starts out paved in the Picacho Hills Neighborhood then becomes a dirt road, with the last stretch being a maintained gravel road. Attendees should bring adequate water, wear comfortable hiking shoes, and dress appropriately for a hike. There are no fees or costs for attending this hike. No reservation is necessary.
*Please note that road conditions to the Picacho Peak Recreation Area on the dirt sections of road may be sandy and require 4-wheel drive to navigate.